
From Virtual World Web Wiki
Revision as of 14:15, 18 January 2019 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the IWorldspaceSystem class)

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The worldspace system is a primary layer one interface. It provides methods for working with Worldspace, Layouts and EditLayouts, and area groups

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IWorldInfo RootWorld {get;}
Gets info about the system root world. This is the only world with a null parent world ID.


void ActivateLayerVersion(Guid layerVersionID)
Makes the specified version of a layer the active version. Live instances will update to reflect the change.
void AttachLayer(Guid layerID, Guid areaID)
Attaches a layer to an area (part of worldspace), usually a scene
Guid CloneLayer(Guid layerID, Guid sceneID, bool activeVersionOnly = false, bool cloneContainers = true)
Clones a layer and optionally its versions and containers as well.
Guid CloneLayerVersion(Guid layerVersionID, string name)
Clones an existing layer version.
Guid CloneScene(Guid sceneID, string newAlias, string newName, bool cloneContainers, bool cloneLayers, Guid? worldID = NULL)
Clones a scene, optionally copying various other related data.
Guid CreateAreaGroup(string name, AreaType allowedAreaTypes = AreaType.All)
Creates a new area group, optionally as a child of another
Guid CreateLayer(Guid sceneID, string name)
Creates a new layer. A layer is a container for a DOM document that is owned by a scene and can be linked to other scenes (shared layers).
Guid CreateLayerVersion(Guid layerID, string name, Byte[] layout = NULL)
Creates a new layer version. Layers can have multiple versions, one of which can be the active version. The active version is what users see in live instances.
Guid CreateScene(string alias, string title, Guid worldID, Guid sceneTypeID, InstanceModes instanceMode, string modeMetadata = NULL)
Guid CreateSceneType(Guid resourceItemID, string title)
Creates a new Scene Type given an existing resource identifier
Guid CreateWorld(string alias, string title, bool isPermissionRoot, Guid? parentWorldID)
Creates a new world, optionally under a parent world
void DeleteAreaGroup(Guid areaGroupID, Action<PacketErrorStatus> onComplete = NULL, TextWriter logWriter = NULL)
Deletes an area group
void DeleteLayer(Guid layerID, Action<PacketErrorStatus> onComplete = NULL, TextWriter logWriter = NULL)
Deletes a layer
void DeleteLayerVersion(Guid layerVersionID)
Deletes a layer version
void DeleteScene(Guid sceneID, Action<PacketErrorStatus> onComplete = NULL, TextWriter logWriter = NULL)
Begins the deletion of a scene.
void DeleteSceneBlocking(Guid sceneID, TextWriter logWriter = NULL)
Deletes a scene guarenteeing deletion has completed before return. This method can only be called on the service provider
void DeleteSceneType(Guid sceneTypeID)
Begins the deletion of a Scene Type and it's associated scenes.
void DeleteWorld(Guid worldID, Action<PacketErrorStatus> onComplete = NULL, TextWriter logWriter = NULL)
Begins the deletion of a world and all its child objects
void DeleteWorldBlocking(Guid worldID, TextWriter logWriter = NULL)
Deletes a world guarenteeing deletion has completed before return. This method can only be called on the service provider
void DetachLayer(Guid layerID, Guid areaID)
Detaches a layer from an area (part of worldspace), usually a scene
Guid FindScene(string alias, Guid worldID)
Finds a ID for a world given its alias and parent world
Guid FindWorld(string alias, Guid parentWorldID)
Gets the ID of a world with a given alias in a given parent world
IAreaGroupInfo GetAreaGroupInfo(Guid areaGroupID)
Gets a structure of information about an AreaGroup (a piece of Worldspace)
string GetAreaGroupName(Guid areaGroupID)
Gets the name of an area group
IAreaInfo GetAreaInfo(Guid areaID)
Gets a structure of information about an Area (a piece of Worldspace)
ILayerInfo[] GetAttachedLayers(Guid areaID)
Gets the list of layers attached to an area
IInstanceInfo[] GetInstances()
Gets an array of all running instances (local list when called from an instance host)
ILayerInfo GetLayerInfo(Guid layerID)
Gets information about a layer and its versions
ILayerVersionInfo GetLayerVersionInfo(Guid layerVersionID)
Gets information about a layer version
ILayerInfo[] GetOwnedLayers(Guid sceneID)
Gets the list of layers owned by a scene
string GetSceneAlias(Guid sceneID)
Gets the alias (URL safe name) of the requested scene
Guid GetSceneForUri(IConnectionIdentityBase identity, Uri uri)
Resolves a VWW URI to a Scene ID, Relative URIs willl be resolved relative to the identity's current location or worldspace root if there is no location
Guid GetSceneForUri(Uri uri)
Resolves a VWW URI to a Scene ID, Relative URIs willl be resolved relative to the worldspace root
ISceneInfo GetSceneInfo(Guid sceneID)
Gets a structure of information about a scene and its parent worlds
string GetSceneInstanceName(Guid sceneInstanceID)
Gets the name of a scene instance
string GetSceneName(Guid sceneID)
Gets the name of a scene
Guid GetSceneType(Guid sceneID)
Gets the Scene Type of the scene
ISceneTypeInfo GetSceneTypeInfo(Guid sceneTypeID)
Gets a structure of information about a scene type
ISceneTypeInfo[] GetSceneTypeInfos()
Gets a structure of information about all of the scene types registered with the system
string GetSceneTypeName(Guid sceneTypeID)
Gets the name of a scene type
ISecurableInfo GetSecurableInfo(Guid securableID)
Gets general information about a securable
string GetSecurableName(Guid securableID)
Gets the name of a securable
SecurableType GetSecurableType(Guid securableID)
Gets the type of a securable
string GetServiceProviderName(Guid serviceProviderID)
Gets the name of a service provider
Uri GetUriForScene(Guid sceneID)
The oposite of GetSceneForURI, this methof returns the full VWW URL for a scene
string GetWorldAlias(Guid worldID)
Gets the alias (URL safe name) of the requested world
IWorldInfo GetWorldInfo(Guid worldID)
Gets a structure of information about a world and its parent worlds
string GetWorldName(Guid worldID)
Gets the name of a world
void HideArea(Guid areaID)
Marks an area as hidden so it doesn't show in the admin
bool IsHidden(Guid areaID)
Tests if an area is hidden
bool IsProtected(Guid areaID)
Tests if an area is protected
void JoinAreaGroup(Guid areaGroupID, Guid areaID)
Adds an area to an area group
void LeaveAreaGroup(Guid areaGroupID, Guid areaID)
Removes an area from an area group
void ProtectArea(Guid areaID)
Marks an area as a system area so it cannot be deleted with layer 1 tools
void SetAreaGroupName(Guid areaGroupID, string name)
Sets the name of an area group
void SetLayerName(Guid layerID, string name)
Sets the name of a layer
void SetLayerVersionName(Guid layerVersionID, string name)
Sets the name of a layer version
void SetSceneAlias(Guid sceneID, string alias)
Sets the alias (URL safe name) of the requested scene
void SetSceneInstanceName(Guid sceneInstanceID, string name)
Renames a scene instance.
void SetSceneName(Guid sceneID, string name)
Renames a scene.
void SetSceneType(Guid sceneID, Guid sceneTypeID)
Changes the Scene Type of the scene
void SetSecurableMetadata(Guid securableID, string key, ProtoValue value)
Sets a securable metadata value. Values can be retrieved through GetSecurableInfo
void SetSecurableMetadata(Guid securableID, IDictionary<string, ProtoValue> values)
Sets several securable metadata values in one call, causing only one metadata change notification.
void SetServiceProviderName(Guid serviceProviderID, string name)
Renames a service provider.
void SetWorldAlias(Guid worldID, string alias)
Sets the alias (URL safe name) of the requested world
void SetWorldName(Guid worldID, string name)
Renames a world.
void ShutdownSceneInstances(Guid sceneID)
Forces a shutdown of any instances of the given scene
void UnHideArea(Guid areaID)
Marks an area as no longer hidden so it shows in the admin
void UnProtectArea(Guid areaID)
Marks an area as no longer a system area so it can again be deleted
void UpdateScene(Guid sceneID, string alias, string title, Guid? worldID, Byte instanceModeID, string modeMetadata = NULL)
Updates the basic properties of a scene