Difference between revisions of "EngagementStateExtended"

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(Documentation for the EngagementStateExtended class)
(Documentation for the EngagementStateExtended class)
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::The specified animation controller object type will be spawned in the scene as a reference and when actors enter this state they will be parented to it. Animations will apply to this animation controller instead of individual players.
::The specified animation controller object type will be spawned in the scene as a reference and when actors enter this state they will be parented to it. Animations will apply to this animation controller instead of individual players.
:{{CSharp|EngagementStateExtended EnterFormChange(string formName)}}
::Forces avatars entering this state to switch to this form
:{{CSharp|EngagementStateExtended ExitFormChange(string formName)}}
::Forces avatars exiting this state to switch to this form
:{{CSharp|EngagementStateExtended OnAbilityFired(JSFlexibleFunction callback)}}
:{{CSharp|EngagementStateExtended OnAbilityFired(JSFlexibleFunction callback)}}

Revision as of 13:38, 21 March 2018

Represents a state in an Enagement which can be configured to allow transitions to other states via triggers

  • This is a JavaScript visible object

Remarks [edit]


string Name {get;}
Gets name of this state.


EngagementStateExtended AbilityAnimate(string identifier, string animationLayer, string animationName, bool looping = false, bool clearOthers = true)
Links an ability to an animation, optionally firing for all players instead of only the firing player
EngagementStateExtended AbilityTrigger(string identifier, string trigger, bool forAll)
Links an ability to a state trigger, optionally firing for all players instead of only the firing player
EngagementStateExtended AddAbility(string identifier)
Links an ability to this engagement state. The ability will be sent to a player actor when they enter this state. Appropriate quickbars will be created in client UI, and if fired, the OnAbilityFired event will fire on this state. You can also wire this ability to action using AbilityTrigger and AbilityAnimate.
EngagementStateExtended Animate(string animationLayer, string animationName, bool looping = true, bool clearOthers = true)
Creates a state animation. A DOMAnimation node will be placed on the requested layer of either the state's shared animation controller, on on players animation controllers as they enter the state, by default clearing existing animation nodes from the same layer.
EngagementStateExtended Couple(Guid animatorObjectTypeID)
The specified animation controller object type will be spawned in the scene as a reference and when actors enter this state they will be parented to it. Animations will apply to this animation controller instead of individual players.
EngagementStateExtended EnterFormChange(string formName)
Forces avatars entering this state to switch to this form
EngagementStateExtended ExitFormChange(string formName)
Forces avatars exiting this state to switch to this form
EngagementStateExtended OnAbilityFired(JSFlexibleFunction callback)
Allows you to bind a callback to this stat's AbilityFired event. Your callback will receive the following parameters:
actor - The Player Actor fireing the ability
identifier - The identifier of the ability being fired
This method returns the EngagementStateExtended object again so you can chain configuration calls
EngagementStateExtended OnEntry(JSFlexibleFunction callback)
Allows you to bind a callback to this stat's Entry event. Your callback will receive the following parameters:
actor - The Actor entering the stare
name - The name of the state being entered
source - The name of the state the Actor was in when the transition started
dest - The name of the state the Actor will be in after the transition completes
trigger - The name of the trigger that started the state transition
This method returns the EngagementStateExtended object again so you can chain configuration calls
EngagementStateExtended OnExit(JSFlexibleFunction callback)
Allows you to bind a callback to this stat's Exit event. Your callback will receive the following parameters:
actor - The Actor entering the stare
name - The name of the state being entered
source - The name of the state the Actor was in when the transition started
dest - The name of the state the Actor will be in after the transition completes
trigger - The name of the trigger that started the state transition
This method returns the EngagementStateExtended object again so you can chain configuration calls
EngagementStateExtended Permit(string trigger, string stateName)
Creates a named trigger that can start a transition to another named state. Triggers are fired on an Actor.
EngagementStateExtended PositionLock()
Avatars entering this state will be position locked
EngagementStateExtended SubstateOf(string stateName)
Makes this state a child of another state so that entering this state enters that state as well