Cloud Global

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Revision as of 16:07, 12 January 2017 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the Cloud Global class)

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The Cloud JavaScript global object is available from server world scripts and is the main entry point for the GameCloud functionality.

  • This is a JavaScript visible object

Remarks [edit]


bool DataExists(string key)
Checks if an application scoped data item exists (is set).
void DeleteData(string key)
Deletes the specified application scoped data item.
CloudCurrencyExtended GetCurrency(string identifier, bool accountScoped)
Gets or creates a currency for use in your javascript applications. The returned object can be used to transact in this currency, and get balance of accounts.
string GetData(string key)
Gets the value of an application scoped data item.
IDOMObjectExtended Instantiate(IDOMObjectExtended parent, string objectTypeID)
Instantiates a new reference to the specified object type and adds it as a child of the provided DOM object
IInteractionMappingExtended RegisterInteraction(string selector, string abilityIdentifier, string groupIdentifier, string personaSelector)
Wraps up the ViewInfo’s AddInteractionMapping and AddAbility methods into a single call. The abilityIdentifier is the name of a GameCloud registered ability (created in the admin). The groupIdentifier is the optional name of a GameCloud registered entity group used to filter who gets the interaction, and the selector is a CSS-Style selector which identifies nodes which are eligible targets of the interaction.
void SaveData()
Checkpoints your app data. Just in case.
void SetApplication(string applicationID)
Associates this script with an application (scope of data storage). A single call to this function is required before most other GameCloud functions will work. Simply pass a Guid as a string.
void SetData(string key, string value)
Sets the value of an application-scoped data item. This is basic global application string data storage.