Abilities Global

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Global access to the abilities system for creating and triggering client abilities

  • This is a JavaScript global object named Abilities

Remarks [edit]


Event fired when the AbilityManager is reset/first initialized
Event fired when a new Ability is added
Event fired when a new Ability is added
Event fired when a new AbilityGroup is added
Event fired when an AbilityGroup is removed
Event fired when an Ability is removed


JSAbilityGroup AddGroup(string name)
Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
JSAbilityGroup CreateGroup(string identifier, string name = NULL)
Guid? DestroyGroup(string identifier)
JSAbilityGroup FindGroup(string name)
Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
JSAbilityGroup FindGroupByIdentifier(string identifier)
Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
JSAbilityBase GetAbility(Guid abilityID)
Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
IEnumerable<JSAbilityBase> GetAllAbilities()
Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
string[] GetEvents()
JSAbilityGroup GetGroup(string groupid)
Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
IEnumerable<JSAbilityGroup> GetGroups()
Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
bool RemoveAbility(JSAbility jsAbility)
Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
bool RemoveAbilityByName(string name)
Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
bool RemoveAbilityGroup(JSAbilityGroup jsAbilityGroup)
Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.