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Revision as of 10:15, 19 May 2015 by (Talk) (Objects with multiple materials)

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Object Converter Info

Texture names should contain the object name, the map type, and the texture index if the object has multiple materials.

In the following examples the object would be "apple.obj"

Texture keys:

Albedo/Transparency(MainTex) = "_AlbedoTransparency" OR "_Tex" | Example "apple_AlbedoTransparency.png, apple_Tex.png"

Metallic/Smoothness(MetallicGlossMap) = "_MetallicSmoothness" OR "_Metal" | Example "apple_MetallicSmoothness.png, apple_Metal.png"

Normal Maps(BumpMap) = "_Normal" OR "_Norm" | Example "apple_Normal.png, apple_Norm.jpg"

Occlusion Maps(OcclusionMap) = "_AmbientOcclusion " | Example "apple_AmbientOcclusion.png"

Parallax Maps(ParallaxMap) = "_Height " | Example "apple_Height.png"

Detail Albedo Maps(DetailAlbedoMap) = "_DetailA " | Example "apple_DetailA.png"

Detail Normal Maps(DetailNormalMap) = "_DetailN " | Example "apple_DetailN.png"

Emissive Maps(EmissionMap) = "_Emissive" OR "_Emission" | Example "apple_Emissive.png, apple_Emission.png"

Objects with multiple materials

Texture names should have an index on them, starting at 1. (Not required if there is only 1 material)

(apple_Diffuse_0.tga, apple_Diffuse_1.png, apple_Norm_0.png, apple_Norm_1.png)