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Revision as of 17:57, 27 April 2017 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the GUIGrid class)

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A component for gridded layouts where all elements have the same size

  • Inherits class: GUIComponent
  • This is a JavaScript visible object

Remarks [edit]


JSVector2 CellSize {get; set;}
How large should each element in the grid be
int ColumnCount {get; set;}
Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
bool Horizontal {get; set;}
Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
int RowCount {get; set;}
Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
JSVector2 Spacing {get; set;}
Pixel offset between each element in the grid
Corner StartCorner {get; set;}
Which corner does the grid fill from?