Script Global

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Revision as of 17:47, 24 March 2017 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the Script Global class)

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  • This is a JavaScript global object named Script

Remarks [edit]


JSDOMObject Controller {get;}
Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
bool MouseWheelHandled {get; set;}
string Name {get;}
Returns the name of this script package
JSDOMObject Parent {get;}
If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject


Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to


void Broadcast(string message, JSObject jsObject = NULL)
Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
void CopyStringToClipboard(string value)
Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
void Exit(string message = "")
Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
ReturnType GetController()
float? GetFloat(string key)
Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
int? GetInteger(string key)
Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
ReturnType GetMetadata(string key = "")
Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
ReturnType GetMetaData(string key = "")
JSDOMObject GetParent()
string GetString(string key)
Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
bool ListenOnChannel(int channel, JSFlexibleFunction func)
Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
bool MuteChannel(int channel)
Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
JSObject NewObject()
Generates an empty C#-passable object for use with the Broadcast function.
void RaiseLocalScriptEvent(string message, GUIContainer jsObject = NULL)
void RequestWebTransfer(string relativeUri)
Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
void RequestWebTransferUrl(string relativeUri, JSFlexibleFunction callback)
Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
void ServerMessage(string message)
Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
void SetFloat(string key, float value)
Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
void SetInteger(string key, int value)
Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
void SetString(string key, string value)
Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.