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Revision as of 14:08, 16 October 2016 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the PersonaSelectionEventsHandler class)

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This class implements a Layer Two extensibility point as virtual members which can be overriden as needed. Derive from this class to provide your own implementation.

See also: IPersonaSelectionEvents

Remarks [edit]


void InitializeAbilities(IComponentActivity context, IConnectionIdentity identity)
void PersonaCreated(Guid personaID, string name, Guid accountID, Guid worldID)
void PersonaReset(IComponentActivity context, IConnectionIdentity identity)
void PersonaSelect(IComponentActivity context, IConnectionIdentity identity, Guid rootWorldID, bool firstNavigate, bool switchingPersona)
void PersonaSelected(IComponentActivity context, IConnectionIdentity identity, bool isNewPersona)