
From Virtual World Web Wiki
Revision as of 17:55, 20 February 2017 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the DOMCurveValue class)

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  • Inherits class: DOMObject
  • This is a leaf node type. This node type cannot have children.

Remarks [edit]


DOMCurveEasing Easing {get; set;}
Specifies which easing function to use
DOMCurveKeyframe Keyframe {get;}


DOMCurveValue(string title)
DOMCurveValue(string title, object value)


bool CheckParent(DOMObject parent)
Called on DOMObject derived types just before they are added to the DOM to ensure their parent is appropriate.
object GetInterpolatedValue(DOMCurveValue other, float time)
This method needs to be overridden in derived classes to support more interesting kinds of interpolation.
Out of the box, we handle some primitive types and do a liner interpolation.
If a type isn't recognized we just return our own value resulting in a stepped, square-wave-like jump from
keyframe to keyframe (fine for something like a resource value)