Difference between revisions of "ProviderLifetimeEventsHandler"

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(Documentation for the ProviderLifetimeEventsHandler class)
(Documentation for the ProviderLifetimeEventsHandler class)
Line 32: Line 32:
::Called once by the service provider on component install
::Called once by the service provider on component install
:{{CSharp|Byte[] PackComponentObject(string objectClass, Guid objectID, ITransferItem item)}}
::Called by L1 to pack a component object for transfer to a remote system
:{{CSharp|Byte[] PackSeedData(ITransferItem item)}}
:{{CSharp|Byte[] PackSeedData(ITransferItem item)}}
Line 52: Line 56:
::Called once by the service provider on component uninstall
::Called once by the service provider on component uninstall
:{{CSharp|void UnpackComponentObject(string objectClass, Guid objectID, Byte[] data)}}
::Called by L1 to unpack a component object being transferred from a remote system
:{{CSharp|void UnPackSeedData(Byte[] data)}}
:{{CSharp|void UnPackSeedData(Byte[] data)}}

Revision as of 17:47, 24 March 2017

This class implements a Layer Two extensibility point as virtual members which can be overriden as needed. Derive from this class to provide your own implementation.

See also: IProviderLifetimeEvents

See also: IComponentEvents

Remarks [edit]


void AttachComponent(Guid rootWorldID)
Called when your component is installed on a root world
void ComponentAttached(Guid componentID, Guid rootWorldID)
Called after a component is installed on a root world to notify other components of this fact
void ComponentDetaching(Guid componentID, Guid rootWorldID)
Called before a component is unsinstalled from a root world to notify other components of this fact
void DetachComponent(Guid rootWorldID)
Called when your component is uninstalled from a root world
void Initialize()
Fires when the service provider service starts up and initializes the Layer Two component system
bool Install()
Called once by the service provider on component install
Byte[] PackComponentObject(string objectClass, Guid objectID, ITransferItem item)
Called by L1 to pack a component object for transfer to a remote system
Byte[] PackSeedData(ITransferItem item)
Asks the component to package any seed data that should be delivered along with a component install or upgrade. Try to keep this less than a few MB if possible!
void Shutdown()
Fires when the service provider service is shutting down
void SystemIntegrityCheckCompleted()
Called by L1 after a system-wide layout validation and integrity check
void SystemIntegrityCheckStarting()
Called by L1 before a system-wide layout validation and integrity check
bool Uninstall()
Called once by the service provider on component uninstall
void UnpackComponentObject(string objectClass, Guid objectID, Byte[] data)
Called by L1 to unpack a component object being transferred from a remote system
void UnPackSeedData(Byte[] data)
Asks the component to import seed data provided as part of an update or install. This will be the first method called on a component even before Install or Initialize
bool Upgrade()
Called by the service provider when this component is being upgraded from a previous version