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(Documentation for the Script Global class)
(Documentation for the Script Global class)
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::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDeselect' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnDoubleClick' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLeftClick' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnLocalScriptEvent' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseLeave' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnMouseOver' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnRightClick' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnSelect' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeEnter' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
                This only applies if the audio is a finite clip and not a stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
                (PC)Note* Start() currently creates the FMOD stream rather than simply starting it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
                (PC)Note* Stop() currently destroys the FMOD stream rather than simply stopping it.
                TODO: Start() and Stop() should simply start and stop the stream.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Get Self will call GameObject.Find() only once and then stores gameobject
            since Find is not a cheap call.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message (only when run in Editor)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Warning level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Writes a debug log with a given message at Error level (will show up in the output log)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Creates a web client that can be used to send/receive data from a remote site.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Launches a new web browser to a given URL.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets a view onto a set of containers (by SecurableType) that can then be filtered and queried
            Comma-separated list of SecurableType values that this view consumes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is enabled in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is denied in the hierarchy. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns whether the AbilityEntry is activated. Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the Cooldown for the AbilityEntry (in seconds). Can be set if it's a JS-created ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns how a percentage for how far through the cooldown process this AbilityEntry is: 0 for just activated, 1 for completed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when receiving new changes to the AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Trigger this Ability, optionally with a target object for character-world interaction abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The internal identifier of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The description of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the ID of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns if this is an AbilityGroup or an AbilityEntry
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the display name of the Ability
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the parent AbilityGroup, if any.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds a string to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds an integer to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds a floating point number to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds a boolean value to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds a ResourceValue to the Ability's Metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the value in a given metadata slot, or the entire string metadata if no key is given
            Optional key to get only part of the metadata
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns if the group is enabled in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns if the group is denied in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the number of AbilityEntries which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the nume of AbilityGroups which are direct children of this group.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the indexed AbilityEntry from this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Get all AbilityEntries of this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns an item by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns an item by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the indexed AbilityGroup under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns all AbilityGroups under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns a group by its display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns a group by its internal identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds a Javascript-driven ability to this group that will call the function whenever the ability fires.
            Function to be firedDisplay name and internal identifierImage to associate with the abilityA text description of the abilityHow long the ability goes on cooldown for after fired (in second)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Removes a given ability from this group
            Internal identifier of the ability to removeTrue if found and removed, false otherwise
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Clears all abilities under this group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Create a new root group in the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns all root groups for the Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an AbilityGroup anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by display name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets a root AbilityGroup by string Identifier
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an Ability anywhere in the hierarchy by GUID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns every Ability in the entire Ability hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Removes a Javascript-created Ability by name/identifier.
            Throws an exception if the ability wasn't created by Javascript (or if we got a name collision somehow).
            False if it could not be found, true if it was successfully removed, otherwise throws an exception
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created Ability.
            Throws an exception if the Ability wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the Ability was successfully removed, false if no Ability was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Removes the given Javascript-created AbilityGroup.
            Throws an exception if the AbilityGroup wasn't created by Javascript.
            True if the AbilityGroup was successfully removed, false if no AbilityGroup was given or it does not belong to this script.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the name of this script package
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
            The relative URI of the destination - "some/value" will retrieve thissite.com/some/value?auth=sometoken What function should receive the URL when the server has fetched it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The ID of the DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The ID of the View this DOMObject appears in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in the Persona document matching your PersonaID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject is a DOMController in a Persona document
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the immediate parent of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has any child nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns true if this DOMObject has finished loading into its scene or MiniDOM.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the string name of this DOMObject's type (i.e.: "DOMRenderable" for a DOMRenderable)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TemplateID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Does this DOMObject have a TypeID?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the first DOMDocument in this DOMObject's parent hierarchy (including itself)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this DOMObject a leaf node and therefore unable to have child nodes (DOMMaterial, DOMCollider, DOMAudio, etc)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired whenever any property changes on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a new child is added to this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a DOMObject finishes loading into the Scene or MiniDOM (fires immediately if the object is already loaded)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired if a DOMObject fails to load for any reason (fires immediately if the object is already in a failed loading state)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sends a message to any server scripts listening to this DOMObject on a given message channel.
            Note: Channel 1 is a protected channel
            Channel IDString message to be delivered. By convention we encourage this to be a JSON stringified value.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Positions and rotates this DOMObject to match the avatar's position and rotation.
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and was successfully transformed to match the avatar's position and rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Positions and rotates the avatar to match this DOMObject's world position and y-axis rotation
            True if the object is a DOMTransform and the avatar was successfully transformed to match the object's position and y-axis rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances of a given type found.
            The string name of the Type to search forArray of all instances of Type in the child hierarchy of this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Traverses the complete child hierarchy of this object, returning all instances nodes with Titles matching the given title.
            Title to search forArray of all instances of objects with Title property matching given title parameter within this DOMObject's child hierarchy
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the first DOMObject matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMThe first matching DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns all DOMObjects matching the CSS selector within this object's hierarchy
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMAn array of all matching DOMObjects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns validity of this DOMObject under the selector
            A valid CSS selector over the DOMTrue if this node matches the selector. False otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the value of a given property (or null if the property was not found)
            Name of property to fetch the value ofThe given property's value on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns a given property from the LocalProperty collection (for storing data that does not get shared with the server)
            Name of the property to fetch from the LocalProperty collectionValue of the given LocalProperty, or null if not found
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets names of all properties on this DOMObject
            If true, includes system properties as well as custom properties. Otherwise only custom properties.An array of property names defined on this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this object flagged as UserEditable (should scripts related to editting allow changes to this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the editting flags of this object (which contexts should we allow edits in?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this object flagged as ClientVisible (should scripts related to editting display this object?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this object flagged as Collapsable (should scripts related to editting simplify this object into its parent?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is a given property flagged as Collapsable (should scripts simplifying this object display a particular property in their simplified view?)
            Name of property to verifyState of collapsable flag on given property, or false if the flag is not present
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the translated display name of a property (if one exists)
            Given property to get translation forTranslated display name of the property, or null if there is none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the translated category name for a property to appear in for editting scripts
            Name of property to queryTranslated category name for this property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Return the defined minimum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined minimum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Return the defined maximum value for a property to help with editting scripts
            Name of property to queryDefined maximum value for the property, or null if none
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns if the property is a supposed to be uniform in value across axes. Probably only relevant for Point3D and generally only applies to Scale property.
            Name of property to queryDefined state of the Uniform flag on the property, or false if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the DropDownItems metadata of a given property if there is one. Helps editting tools display UI.
            Name of property to queryArray of translated strings from the metadata, or null if not defined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns all property names with the requested level of UserEditable for this object
            String collection of all property names with the given level of UserEditable for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns all property names flagged as "Collapsable" for this object
            String collection of all property names with "Collapsable" for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns all system property names for this object
            String collection of all system property names for this DOMObject
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns whether or not this property's name is one of the ones used by system properties on this object.
            Name of property to queryTrue if this property name is one of the system properties, otherwise false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on this DOMObject
            Name of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on this DOMObject, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the value of a given attribute on a particular property for this DOMObject
            Name of property to queryName of attribute to queryThe defined value of the attribute on the property, or null if undefined
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Requests the named blendshape weight from inside the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of the weight requestedNull if the name is not found in the collection, or if the DOMObject is not a DOMRenderable. Otherwise the weight from the AppliedBlendShapes property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets the named blendshape weight in the AppliedBlendShapes property
            Name of value to setValue to setfalse if not a DOMRenderable, or named weight was not found in either AppliedBlendShapes or BlendShapes. Otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new String property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new String[] property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new GUID property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property (as string)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new ResourceValue property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new integer property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new floating value property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new Color property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new boolean property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Removes a property from this DOMObject by name
            Name of property to remove
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a new Vector/Point3D property on the DOMObject
            Name of propertyValue of property
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Get string values for a given enumeration
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Set an Enum property by value
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumInteger value of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Set an Enum property by string representation
            Name of propertyType name of the EnumString representation of the Enum value
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element over this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when dragging a UI element off this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when dropping a UI element onto this object if it is set to AllowDrop
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should we fire Drag/Drop events when moving UI elements over this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a new item is added to your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when an item is removed from your inventory
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when an item in your inventory is modified
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Fired whenever any container is added or removed, potentially causing multiple items to be added/removed simultaneously.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Return all items visible to this filtered view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the item matching a given TemplateID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds an OR filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts OR Pants)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds an AND filter to the inventory view (i.e.: show me items that are Shirts AND Red)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Removes an OR filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Removes an AND filter from the inventory view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Clear all OR filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Clear all AND filters on this view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Creates a new Keybind that calls a JavaScript when triggered.
            The default key combination that will trigger this keybind. If using modifier keys, use them in the order alt-ctrl-shift-XTrue if the keybind was bound to its default key, false if there was no default or if the default key was taken. Throws an exception if the keybind name already exists or no name was given for it.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Fires a named keybind without requiring the user to press its key
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the server first delivers the friend list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a friend comes online
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a friend changes regions
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a friend goes offline
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when someone joins your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when someone in your local region updates their profile information (e.g.: avatar thumbnail)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when someone leaves your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the local list is ready to be read after entering a new region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a new friend is added
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a friend is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is resolved
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when an incoming friend request is first received
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a new ignore is created
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when an ignore is removed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for a given AvatarID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the AvatarSocialInfo for yourself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How many friends do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How many ignores do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How many incoming requests do we currently have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How many avatars are in the current region?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all friends.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all avatars in the local region.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all ignored users.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an array of AvatarSocialInfo's for all incoming friend requests.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the name of your current persona
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an array of all channels
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the channel for a given ID. If no ID is given, returns the local channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the number of friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            An array of your friends in a given instance by ID (or the local instance if no ID is given)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sends a chat message to a given channel by ID (if no channelID is given, send to the local channel)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What should be the minimum width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What should be the minimum height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What is the preferred width of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What is the preferred height of this component in a layout group?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional width within a layout group? (Overruled by the group having FitWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should this component expand to take up additional height within a layout group? (Overruled by group having FitHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            In the case of conflicting items wanting more width/height, what priority should it be assigned to this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Allows the camera to zoom in and out when the user scrolls their mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Allows the camera to rotate around the Y axis when the user holds the left mouse button and drags left/right
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Allows the camera to pan when the user holds the right mouse button and drags
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Allows the camera to pitch up and down when the user holds the left mouse button and drags up/down
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Keeps the focused object inside the camera's field of view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls rate of movement when panning.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Minimum allowed distance between the camera and the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls rate of pitch / rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls rate of zoom using the mousewheel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets the Camera's field of view (in degrees)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            When focusing on an object, what orientation should it take on by default
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Shows or hides the progress spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Tints the loading spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls the size of the spinner
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets an internal name for the camera this view uses
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets which MiniDOM view the camera should be looking at.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should we always orient to look at the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a solid color image as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets an image to use as the background of the view
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adjusts the size of the underlying display texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a positional offset to use for the camera for finer script control when the camera is also set to auto adjust.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets and sets the camera's current rotation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Disables all attempts to zoom/pan/move/reorient the camera by the user or code.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Detaches the camera from orbiting the focused object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets the color to use for the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets the color to use for the sub grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls how far the grid should stretch along each axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Changes the spacing between grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Changes the spacing between sub grid lines
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Shows or hides the projected grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Shows or hides the primary grid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Shows or hides the subgrid lines (if ShowGrid is on)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the SelectionManager for this MiniDOM for object editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Resets the camera to its default orientation/position
            False if no camera is created yet, otherwise true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Moves the camera's position by an given amount
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a point that the camera should be looking at
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Takes an image of whatever the MiniDOM is currently looking at, with a given set of dimensions
            Image path for the new screenshot
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Cleans up the temporary file left over from the last time TakeScreenshot() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets this 3DView to mimic that of another view.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Rotates the camera to face a given object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a given object to focus on
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the user clicks the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to the icon Imagebox on the button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            This is the base class for all GUI components. More
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What is this component's index within its parents children list
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Which window is this component part of?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Title text to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Image to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Cursor to display when mousing over the component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            When using a custom cursor, should the cursor be centered (like a crosshair?)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The component's layout properties if it's in a layout group
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Setting a ContextTag causes this component to trigger a context menu when right-clicked. The ContextTag can then be checked in the OnPrepareMenu event.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this component enabled for interaction
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should this component adjust its vertical size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should this component adjust its horizontal size to accomodate its content? Note: Content does not include Children unless this component also has a LayoutGroup
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Do not apply a parent LayoutGroup to this Component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Duplicates this component, optionally under a new parent
            New parent for the cloneA new component based on this component's values
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Details related to this item's drag capabilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Can you drag this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Details about this component's drop-accepting abilities
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Can this component accept drops?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the drag item is released after a drag
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the drag item is clicked on without dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Raycasted location in world space where the drag item was released
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to texture that displays normally
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to texture that displays when dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this object supposed to drop into the world?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this object supposed to drop onto the UI?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Whether to hide the NormalTexture image (allows us to make a dragging image "appear" out of text or other components)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Can we drag this DragItem?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Center the dragging image on the mouse, rather than preserve its original offset while dragging
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Color tint for the texture when hovering the mouse over it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Color tint for the texture when disabled
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Color tint for the texture
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Color tint for the texture when pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Pixel offset between each element in the grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How large should each element in the grid be
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Determines if the layout flow is Horizontal or Vertical
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Which corner does the grid fill from?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Fixed number of rows to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of rows is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Fixed number of columns to use in this grid (or 0 if the number of columns is flexible)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Item template to use in the Editor for simulating a full grid
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Actual text value of the label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Name of the font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Point size of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Style of font to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should we parse Unity's "rich text" markup?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color should the text appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color should the text appear as if it's disabled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            TextColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            DisabledColor hex representation
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How does this label handle horizontal text wrapping?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How does this label handle vertical text exceeding the label bounds?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Text alignment to use for this label
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Number of pixels between each element in the layout
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Type of layout: Horizontal, Vertical, None
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire width? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleWidth)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should this component force the sub components to take up the entire height? (Note, this does not play well with FlexibleHeight)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How many pixels should there be between the edge of the component and its contents?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when mouse first crosses over
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when focus is lost on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to the label on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What texture is set for this component normally?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Can we click/interact with this component?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Brings focus to this component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets the border across all defined textures
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What method should we use to display this image?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the user presses "Enter"
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the user changes any part of the text field's text.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the user tabs away, clicks away, or otherwise loses focus on the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Contents of the text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should the text field clear itself when the user presses "Enter"? Useful for chat boxes, etc.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Maximum length of text in the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Does pressing Enter create more lines of text?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color should the text be when we're editting it? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What color should the highlight box appear as? (Hex representation)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What type of input box is it? What does it accept?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets or sets focus of this text field
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Current index of the input caret within the text field.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to the image that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to the imagebox that changes when the value updates
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when value changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Makes this toggle function like a radio button within this window.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Does the Group of toggles always have a selection?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Does pressing Space toggle the value?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should the background of the tab disappear when toggled on? Helpful for in/out arrow toggles
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Current toggled state
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            What template to use when creating new tree nodes.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Allow multiple tree nodes to be selected at the same time
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Allow the user to deselect all tree nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Most recently selected node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Number of selected nodes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Get the first root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Get the final root node in the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an array of all nodes in the tree
            Return only root nodes and children of expanded nodesAn array of nodes selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets all root nodes of this tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds a given node to the selection list
            Node to addShould this node be added to the selection or replace the selectionFalse if the node is already selected or if we are attempting to add a node to non-multi select tree with an existing selection. Otherwise true.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Removes a given node from the selection list
            Not to deselectFalse if node was not selected or could not be deselected due to selection restrictions on the tree.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Clear all selections on the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a new node is selected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a node is deselected
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a node is added or removed from the tree
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How many root nodes does this tree have?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the root node with a given index
            Index to selectNull if index is out of bounds, otherwise returns the indexed root node
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Given a TreeNodeID finds the matching tree node
            The TreeNodeID to search for
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a key is released while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when a key is pressed while the tree has focus
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            ResourceValue of the audio file to be played.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Volume of audio (0 to 1)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Pitch shift to apply to the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should the audio clip loop each time it finishes?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Which AudioChannel should modulate the volume of this object?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this audio coming from a streaming source?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Start playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Stop playing the audio
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes true
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event called when the visible value of this window becomes false
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to the background image for the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Tint color applied to the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Border to use for slicing the background image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Does this window appear on top of the loading screen?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Parents this window inside another container (window or component). This reduces the autonomy of the window (and will destroy it if the parent is destroyed).
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should the full screen blur effect be active while this window is visible?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Move this window to the front of the Z order
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to the container's RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The anchored X position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The anchored Y position of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The X sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The Y sizeDelta of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the screen-space coordinates of this container and returns them as a rectangle {x, y, width, height}
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Whether or not to display this object and its children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets the opacity (alpha) on the CanvasRenderer of this object (which does not apply to children), allowing for variable transparency effects
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets the Alpha on the CanvasGroup of this object (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Enables/disables interactivity of this object's CanvasGroup (which applies to children)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets "BlocksRaycast" value on this object's CanvasGroup - without BlocksRaycast, this object will allow objects underneath it to receive clicks and hovers instead of itself
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Allows this object's CanvasGroup to override parent CanvasGroup properties (like BlocksRaycasts or Alpha)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Number of child components
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Fires every AnimateInterval milliseconds after StartAnimate() is called. Never called more often than once per render frame
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Minimum number of milliseconds between Animate calls
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Number of milliseconds to wait after StartAnimate() before the first OnAnimate callback fires
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            How many milliseconds since StartAnimate() was called
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Ignore this container for determining if the user can click and rotate their camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Apply a Shadow component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a color for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets an offset for the Shadow component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Apply an Outline component to this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets a color for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sets an offset for the Outline component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the Disappear() function completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Start the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Stop the animate timer callbacks
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Creates a new component under this container of the specified template
            Template to use for instantiationName to apply to the instantiated objectNewly created component
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Destroy this container and all children
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the indexed component from this container
            Index of component to get
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the first child component with a given name
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets an array of components from this container
            Array of all edittable components that are direct children of this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Causes the container to play a particular animation
            Name of animation to be playedLength (in seconds) of the animation (or 0 if no animation was found)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Causes the container to appear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Causes the container to disappear using its animator
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Remove all children from this container
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Move container to front of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Move container to back of the parent's ordering - this will cause reordering if done inside LayoutGroups
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Call back a particular function after a given number of seconds
            Wait in secondsFunction to call
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Fade component in from not visible and 0 Alpha to visible and full Alpha
            Fade in time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Fade component out from visible and to 0 Alpha and not visible
            Fade out time (in seconds)Function to call when fade completes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Provides a function callback when the user clicks and whether the click occured on or off the object
            Function to be called when click happensShould the component be sensitive for only one click or persist
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Ends the sensitivity of a component (see: MakeSensitive)
            Whether control was actually sensitive before being made numb
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to the Close Button
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Can the user resize the window?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Specifies a minimum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Specifies a maximum size the window can be resized to
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should we show the four-way move cursor when the user is over the draggable area?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Prevent the user from dragging the window off screen by keeping all 4 corners within the visible area
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Distance (in pixels) to snap onto the edge of the screen
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should this window destoy itself when the close button is pressed (or just hide)?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the Close button is pressed
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired each time the size of the window changes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to end a resize
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the user starts dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event fired when the user releases the mouse to finish dragging the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Allow this window to be dragged
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Reference to the title text of the window
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Trigger the close button's click function (to destroy or hide the window)
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the large tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Pixel distance from the mouse cursor for the small tooltip to appear
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Delay (in seconds) between hover and display of tooltip
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key
            String key to translate
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Returns the translated string for a given key, with a string.Format() applied to up to 10 additional parameters
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Name of the avatar
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Name of the region the avatar is in
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is the avatar online?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Avatar's unique ID
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is the avatar in the same region as you?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is the avatar a friend?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is the avatar someone you're ignoring?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Avatar's thumbnail image
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Is this avatar me?
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Given an Avatar's ID, moves you to their region and position within that region
            Unique Avatar IDFalse if the client does not know about that avatar or we are currently prevented from moving. True otherwise.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The internal, untranslated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The translated name of the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            The internal ID for the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Indicates that the channel is one you were put in based on your group or region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Indicates the channel is tied to your local region
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Indicates the channel is private and cannot be freely joined without a password
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Relays to the server whether you are currently typing in the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Sends a message on the channel
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Set property by reflection on an added behaviour. Main thread only.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Adds an instance of a DebugViewableType to the window's collection.
            Must be unique among instances of this type.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Event called when the user finishes editting
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should the object destroy itself when the user finishes editting it
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls position of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls rotation of the edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls size of this edit object
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Controls visibility of this edit target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Call to destroy this edit target immediately
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Creates a circular target at a given location
            World positionWorld rotationSize of the target
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Starts editting a given target
            TargetObject previously created with PreviewTargetFunction to call when editting finishes
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
                Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
                into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
                The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
                the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Should only be changed from the main thread.
::Param 'E:Assets.ClientJS.JSClientBridge.OnVolumeLeave' :
            Must be unique.
::Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to
::Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to

Revision as of 15:41, 21 February 2017

  • This is a JavaScript visible object
  • This is a JavaScript global object named 'Script'

Remarks [edit]


JSDOMObject Controller {get;}
Gets the DOM node representing your avatar's controller.
bool MouseWheelHandled {get; set;}
string Name {get;}
Returns the name of this script package
JSDOMObject Parent {get;}
If this script originates from a DOMObject, returns that DOMObject


Event fired when user deselects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
Event fired when user double-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
Event fired when user left-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
Event fired when this script receives a LocalScriptEvent from another script
Event fired when user stops mousing over DOMObject this script is tied to
Event fired when user mouses over DOMObject this is tied script to
Event fired when user right-clicks on DOMObject this script is tied to
Event fired when user selects a DOMRenderable this script is tied to
Event fired when user enters a DOMVolume this script is tied to
Event fired when user leaves a DOMVolume this script is tied to


void CopyStringToClipboard(string value)
Sets a given string as your clipboard data for later pasting
void Exit(string message = "")
Ends this script entirely and optionally sends a message back to the server
ReturnType GetController()
float? GetFloat(string key)
Gets a floating point value previously stored in the client data store
int? GetInteger(string key)
Gets an integer value previously stored in the client data store
ReturnType GetMetadata(string key = "")
Gets metadata from the script context - either the entire serialized block, or just one value if a key is given
ReturnType GetMetaData(string key = "")
JSDOMObject GetParent()
string GetString(string key)
Gets a string value previously stored in the client data store
bool ListenOnChannel(int channel, JSFlexibleFunction func)
Listens for script messages arriving from server scripts on a given channel
bool MuteChannel(int channel)
Stop listening to messages on a given script channel
void RaiseLocalScriptEvent(string stringData, GUIContainer jsObject = NULL)
Triggers an OnLocalScriptEvent event across all client scripts with the given data
void RequestWebTransfer(string relativeUri)
Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and immediately navigates to it
void RequestWebTransferUrl(string relativeUri, JSFlexibleFunction callback)
Requests an authenticated web URL from the server and invokes the callback function when it is retrieved
void ServerMessage(string message)
Sends a message to the server Component this script originated from
void SetFloat(string key, float value)
Stores a floating point value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
void SetInteger(string key, int value)
Stores an integer value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.
void SetString(string key, string value)
Stores a string value in the client data store, persisting across sessions, keyed to this system.