Layer Two Events

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The main set of interfaces that, when implementd by a component (Layer Two) will be called by the VWW server core software (Layer One) in response to various events.

IAbilityEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Ability events fire when connected users' UI or scripts "use" events.

See also: AbilityEventsHandler

IAdminLifetimeEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Admin lifetime events fire in the admin web component environment and offer service lifetime notifications.

See also: AdminLifetimeEventsHandler

IChatRuntimeEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Chat runtime events fire to offer components an opportunity to process user chat messages and offer slash command help.

See also: ChatRuntimeEventsHandler

IComponentEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Component events fire in the service provider component environment and offer component lifetime notifications.

See also: ProviderLifetimeEventsHandler

IEntityEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Entity events fire on the service provider in response to changes to Entities

See also: EntityEventsHandler

IFinancialEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Financial events fire on various systems to request components' help validating transactions, and to notify components of transactions' status

See also: FinancialEventsHandler

IHostLifetimeEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Host lifetime events fire in the instance host component environment and offer service lifetime notifications.

See also: HostLifetimeEventsHandler

IInstanceRuntimeEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Instance runtime events fire to inform the component of various events in a running instance, including instance lifetime events

See also: InstanceRuntimeEventsHandler

IInventoryEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Inventory events fire to notify components of activity in users' runtime inventory

See also: InventoryEventsHandler

ILoginEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Login events fire as the Authenticate instance host workflow runs. The IComponentActivity interface passed to each event allows you to pause or cancel the workflow so you can deliver UI.

See also: LoginEventsHandler

INavigateEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Navigate events fire as the Navigate instance host workflow runs. The IComponentActivity interface passed to each event allows you to pause or cancel the workflow so you can deliver UI.

See also: NavigateEventsHandler

INotificationEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Notification events form a powerful component communication infrastructure, and offer notifications about settings changes.

See also: NotificationEventsHandler

IObjectEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Provides events that Layer 2 components can use to responde to notifications of changes to [Container System|Containers], Object Types or Object Templates on either the service provider or instance host

See also: ObjectEventsHandler

IPermissionEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Permission events fire on the service provider to notify components of permission entry changes

See also: PermissionEventsHandler

IPersonaEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Persona events fire to inform components of relationship changes, and persona layout changes (mostly obsolete)

See also: PersonaEventsHandler

IPersonaSelectionEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Persona selection events fire as the Select Persona instance host workflow runs. The IComponentActivity interface passed to each event allows you to pause or cancel the workflow so you can deliver UI.

See also: PersonaSelectionEventsHandler

IProviderLifetimeEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Provider lifetime events fire in the service provider component environment and offer service lifetime notifications.

See also: ProviderLifetimeEventsHandler

IResourceEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Resource events fire when resources are created or changed

See also: ResourceEventsHandler

ISessionEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Session events fire on the service provider to notify components of session lifetime events

See also: SessionEventsHandler

IWebViewLifetimeEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Web view lifetime events fire in the web view component environment and offer service lifetime notifications.

See also: WebViewLifetimeEventsHandler

IWebViewPipelineEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Web View pipeline events fire to allow components to hook system account creation and intercept web requests

See also: WebViewPipelineEventsHandler

IWorldspaceEvents (Full Article)

This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Worldspace events fire on the service provider in response to changes to Worldspace

See also: AbilityEventsHandler